Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Posted by Darren Robbins in | June 01, 2010 No comments

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Product details

File Size: 2363 KB

Print Length: 179 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1729192076

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: October 19, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#289,919 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

This is a fantastic overall investment book and this book is not for the lazy, but rather those who are willing to learn and do the work for your future and posterity and this is a great read and I definitely recommend it for anyone just starting out in rental property investment and what's nice about it is that he really leaves it up to the reader to decide how to best get into the rental property industry and this makes it a very good first book and it forces the reader to really consider how they want to invest and why they want to invest and this book did an awesome job of laying out the different paths one could take, outlining the pros and cons of each strategy and definitely helped clarify the path and actions I will be taking this year, knowing that my strategy will likely change 5 years down the road.

This book was apparently written as an e-book, according to the copywright information. I expected a dense, information packed book given the number of pages. Every page is double spaced and looks as though someone cut and pasted an RTF doc right into a word processor and spit out a book. So: fluffy in all the whitespace in this book. I read 1/3 of the book in 10 minutes.Second: I don't think this book was seen by an editor. It reads like a freshman term paper. While I was really hoping for some useful information, I feel this book is worth about 1/4 the price.I was fooled by the cover and disappointed by the contents.

I agree that it is a good place to start. For that I give it five stars. It does contain everything you need to actually give wholesaling a try, but lacks depth in some areas, particularly around the problems that can occur. Start here, then go on to a course or more advance book. I believe in buying everything you can about investing before you begin, and this book contains expertise that's worth the read. The only criticism is that it was a little hard to follow the flow from an instructional perspective....

This is a fantastic overall investment book. I have had rentals for years and have been winging it. I wish I read this 10 years ago. Brandon is an amazing writer. He's entertaining and informative. I wish he lived near me an we could hang out so I could pick his brain.

Great book for me being new to the ins and outs of rentals properties. It definitely is a beginners guide. Would absolutely recommend to others.

This is a great learning book about real estate investing. Great informative book. Learning approach. Recommended.

This is a great book for those who knew very little and want to learn about Real Estate Investing (that would be me). It's extremely straightforward and well thought out. I read the book in one sitting and continually go back to it for reference. The chapters are very easy to read and progress in a very natural manner. Each of the chapters progresses through the different cognitive functions and makes it so easy to grasp what truly goes on inside our brains. I have also given this book out to a few friends and they've all loved it!

Brandon Hammond takes a seemingly complicated subject and breaks it down in a way that can be comprehended by anyone interested in the field. He takes time to explain the basics, which he then uses to build into some of the more complicated aspects of real estate investing. He gives you a good overview of how to navigate a transaction and locate a deal for yourself using his own stories and short falls along the way. I would recommend this book for anyone looking to gain knowledge in real estate investing. Thanks .






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